Last Wednesday I have my body check – mammogram and ultrasound. Friday was my birthday and so I put off getting the medical report so I can fully enjoy the weekend.
Today I got the medical report. Praise God I am good! I am so thankful and joyous. It is almost 2 years since I was first diagnosed with breast cancer and so it looks like I would hit the 2-year survival rate!
During the past few weeks I have continued to try to understand the meaning of life and death. I pray that when the time comes, I would embrace the Lord boldly and joyfully. I pray that I would be ready and that I can say I have fight the good fight and run the good race. If cancer recurs, I would start writing one goodbye encouragement letter a day to each person I know until I am too frail to do so. I trust that the Lord will give me sufficient grace to endure physical pain in the process.
In the meantime, I will try to live life to the fullest. I have increased my exercise level and am regaining strength. I am all eager and excited to serve God to the best of my capacities. In particular I pray that I may share the Gospel with others faithfully. Victor and I will be teaching a Sunday school class in Putonghua next quarter! I am doing a few workshops in the coming months. I had a good Christmas break and felt refreshed. Now I want to prioritize work too so that I can use the time well to complete what should be done.
Lastly I am going to try my best not to be hypochondriac for 6 months until my next medical check!